Rated: Fiction T (Teen) (PG-13) - English - Romance/Adventure - Sonic & Amy

Chapter Four – A Little Hero Is Born

Amy slowly opened her jade colored eyes to find herself in an unfamiliar and rather small room. She sat up slightly feeling more alert and a little disoriented and began to rub the sleep from her eyes. She began to look around to try and make sense of her surroundings and hopefully recognize something. The room was dark and the only light source came from a door in front of her that was opened on a small crack. She could see a bright light illuminating from the other side and could hear what sounded like conversation coming from outside of her room. She looked down and quickly noticed that she was lying on a small cot with a thin gray blanket. She removed the thin sheet from herself and slowly sat on the side of the bed. She took in a deep breath and closed her eyes. She had a slight headache and couldn't help but feel a little confused. Amy tried to think back to the last thing she could remember. She had been walking with Tails trying to find their way out of Westopolis when she suddenly felt very sick and exhausted. Worry began to fill her heart and she looked back up towards the half opened door once more. Was Tails and everyone else alright? Did Knuckles manage to find Rouge? Where exactly was she? Her mind swam in confusion as questions continued to plague her. Her bare feet slowly touched the cold floor beneath her and she shakily stood herself up. She winced as she suddenly realized how sore her body felt and slowly made her way towards the door.

She pushed the door open and quietly began walking through a narrow hallway which had small lanterns lighting the area in a straight row from the ceiling. As she made her way to the end of the short passageway she saw a fairly large room filled with small cots identical to the one she had been sleeping on spread out beside one another and a small television set sitting on top of a small rickety table. Amy felt herself exhale the breath she didn't know she was holding and a feeling of relief washed over her as she saw all of her friends sitting next to each other on the floor deep in conversation.

"What are we going to do now?" Rouge asked in a dismal whisper.

She looked up expectantly at Shadow for an answer but before he could provide her with one he found his crimson orbs meeting a pair of gleaming jade ones.

"Rose…" he said softly. "You're awake."

He couldn't help but feel slightly relieved. She had been out cold for almost three days now and everyone was starting to worry. They all turned their attention to the weary pink hedgehog that stood leaning against the hallway wall behind them.

"Amy!" Cream cried happily as she got up from the floor and ran to embrace her best friend. She pulled Amy into a tight hug that almost made her lose her balance and fall.

"I'm so glad you're awake! I was really worried about you!" she said as tears began to form in her eyes. Amy hugged her best friend back tightly feeling tremendous relief that she along with the rest of their friends was alright.

"...What's going on…? Where are we? Are we still in Westopolis?" Amy asked in worry and great confusion.

"No hon…we're not," Rouge told her softly. "We're on the outskirts of Station Square."

Cream took Amy's hand and began wordlessly tugging her back to where their friends sat in front of the television set. Amy looked at her friends feeling her heart beginning to race. She didn't like the grim expressions they were all exhibiting. Her jade eyes wandered onto the television that often lost its picture due to the static. She saw a large crater engulfed with flames and then the scene changed to different locations showing similar devastation. Some areas looked worse than others and some locations showed the same monstrous robots they had encountered in Westopolis over running the area. Amy felt a chill run up her spine and her stomach began to churn in unease.

"There's…There's nothing left of Westopolis…" Knuckles informed her grimly.

"Station Square is gone too…" Tails whispered in a broken voice that didn't suite him.

"No…t-that can't be…" Amy trailed off as she looked up at everyone with wide, frightened eyes.

"I'm afraid it is Rose…" Shadow told her in a serious but soft voice.

A loose tear involuntarily slipped from Amy's eye and slowly slid down her soft muzzle. She wiped it away quickly and sniffed as her gaze fell to the floor. The room fell silent for a couple of minutes until Vanilla finally spoke.

"Amy, how are you feeling? Are you still feeling sick?" she asked softly in deep concern.

Amy shook her head. "I still feel kind of tired but I'm okay…" she reassured her in a low voice. "I'm a little hungry though…" she admitted bashfully.

Vanilla gave her a sad, weary smile and slowly stood up. "Let me make you something to eat," she offered while extending her hand out for Amy to take.

Amy nodded sadly and took her hand silently, feeling like a vulnerable and lost child. She desperately wanted to feel comforted and wished more than anything that Sonic was there to hold her in his arms. The rest of their friends watched the two leaving the room in silence. Amy still wasn't aware of everything that was going on but they felt too tired and despondent to fully go into detail. Shadow watched Amy intently until she was out of his line of sight and sighed heavily. Their lives have all begun to fall apart and now none of them knew exactly what was going to become of their future. Tails covered his face in his hands and began to break down again. Tears brim Cream's eyes as she laid her head on Tails' shoulder to try and comfort him as well as herself. Knuckles held Rouge's hand and was caressing it as his amethyst orbs stared into the television watching the horrors taking place in the outside world.

Vanilla led Amy into a small, dimly lit room with a worn plastic table and two chairs. She could see a large cupboard stacked with canned and nonperishable foods as well as bottles of water. Amy quietly took a seat in one of the weathered chairs and watched as Vanilla scanned the cupboard for something to eat. After a couple of minutes Vanilla sat down beside the sullen pink hedgehog with two paper plates in hand and some plastic silverware. The plates themselves contained one biscuit and some tuna from a can.

"I'm sorry it's not my cooking…but it's the best thing I could find right now," Vanilla said solemnly as she quickly wiped a tear forming in her eye.

Amy gave Vanilla a weak smile and eagerly began eating her biscuit. "Thank you Vanilla…" she said after swallowing, feeling tears threatening her eyes. "It tastes good…"

They ate their small lunch in silence for a couple of minutes. Vanilla watched as Amy scarfed her meal down hungrily. She couldn't help but notice that despite Amy's frail and tired appearance, she had a glow about her and her face looked fuller too. A sad knowing smile formed at her lips as she watched her, bringing memories of her youth before her daughter was born. She was young once and she too had been very much in love.

"…Why were you in Westopolis the day Eggman attacked?" Amy quietly asked, taking Vanilla away from her thoughts.

A dismal sigh escaped Vanilla's lips as she stared blankly at the tattered table. After a long pause Vanilla finally found her voice. "…I was supposed to meet an old childhood friend of mine…Rebecca…It's been years since we last seen each other or spoken and we had recently gotten into contact with one another."

Vanilla paused as an onslaught of tears began threatening her eyes ready to escape at any moment. "S-She had a daughter…around Cream's age…perhaps a year younger…" Vanilla said softly, wiping her eyes hurriedly. "She lived in an apartment in Westopolis…I-I never did get to see her before the attack…I don't even know if she's alright…"

Vanilla covered her face with her hands as she began to cry, unable to hold back her heartache any longer. Amy immediately regretted asking and hugged Vanilla comfortingly. "I'm so sorry…" Amy whispered as she too began to cry. Vanilla wrapped her arms around her and hugged her tightly. After a few minutes Vanilla calmed down and slowly pulled away from Amy's comforting embrace. She looked down at the seventeen year old girl who has become a second daughter to her.

"Amy…is there something you want to tell me…?" she suddenly asked, causing Amy to look up at her in slight surprise.

"What do you mean…?" Amy asked her, feeling apprehensive.

When Vanilla didn't say anything Amy's gaze fell onto the table. Her hand instinctively fell on her stomach and a light blush filled her pale cheeks. She closed her jade colored eyes and took in a deep breath. "Vanilla…if I tell you something…do you promise not to be mad?" Amy asked her timidly.

Vanilla nodded giving Amy a small reassuring smile. "I'm not going to be mad," she told her firmly.

Amy took in another deep breath as she felt her heart hammering hard in her chest. Vanilla has been the only mother she has ever known. The last thing Amy wanted to do was upset her or make her disappointed in her. "…I…" she trailed off. Amy took another deep breath and looked into Vanilla's eyes. "I um…I'm…I'm going to have…a baby…" she told her in a timid, quiet voice.

As soon as Amy said it tears began to threaten her eyes once more. "I'm scared! I'm so scared!" she cried as she covered her face in her hands. Vanilla instantly pulled Amy into a loving embrace and Amy began to cry into her shoulder. Vanilla rubbed her back comfortingly and rocked her slowly. "Shh…It's going to be alright dear." she told her in a hushed whisper. Amy felt terrified. She was already afraid when she first found out and now that they are in a life threatening situation her fear only grew worse.

"You need to be strong Amy, for yourself and for the baby," Vanilla told her.

"How?" Amy whimpered despondently. "How can I when Sonic's not here with me…?" she sobbed, hugging Vanilla tighter.

"I know Sonic wouldn't want to see you like this," Vanilla said as she slowly rocked her. "He would want you to be strong."

Amy's hot, salty tears soaked into Vanilla's torn dress as she shut her eyes tight. "I miss him!" she cried. "I miss him so much!" she continued to sob inconsolably and Vanilla could feel her pain.

"I know dear…I went through the same thing when my husband died," Vanilla said with tears forming in her eyes.

"I don't know what to do…I feel so alone," Amy choked in a quiet voice.

"You're not alone Amy. We're all together and I'm going to be here with you. I'm going to help you through this, okay?" Vanilla told her reassuringly.

Amy nodded weakly. "You're not upset with me?" she asked, feeling a little ashamed.

Vanilla looked down at Amy with a soft expression. "No, Amy. I'm not. I'll admit I'm a little disappointed in the two of you…because I feel you are still too young…but I was in love once…I know what it's like to love and trust someone so deeply."

Vanilla continued rubbing Amy's back in a soothing manner. "I know how much Sonic really cared about you. Every time the two of you were together I could see it in his eyes and in the way he looked at you."

Amy felt fresh tears brim her jade colored eyes. "It's all my fault…If it weren't for me…Sonic would still…" she trailed off as she felt a deep stabbing pain in her heart.

"You can't think like that Amy," Vanilla told her firmly. "It's not your fault."

The room grew silent as the two continued to embrace one another. After a while, Amy finally began to calm down. Vanilla brushed Amy's messy bangs away from her eyes and smiled sadly. "Do you feel better now that you ate?" she asked.

Amy nodded and hugged her tighter. "Thank you Vanilla…for everything." she said with a weak smile.

That evening despite Amy's fatigue she could not sleep. Too many things were on her mind at once and her aching heart left her feeling empty and lost. She let out a dismal sigh as she stared absentmindedly at the ceiling in deep thought. After her conversation with Vanilla she went back to the others where she quickly learned that they were now living in hiding in a small underground shelter on the outskirts of what was once Station Square. Everyone, even Shadow was at a loss as to what they were going to do. Eggman had finally won. He wiped out almost every major city nationwide and killed thousands of innocent people. G.U.N had taken a real beating and was forced to fall back and now they were trying to figure out their next means of action against the deranged doctor. Tears threatened Amy's eyes once more as she hugged the thin blanket close to herself. She was filled with hopelessness and despair. Everything was falling apart and getting worse with each passing day since Sonic's untimely demise. How she wished he was there with her comforting her and telling her everything was going to be alright. She missed the way his voice sounded, the way his emerald orbs shone so brightly putting her into a hypnotic trance whenever they locked on her, the way he smiled confidently and cockily, the way his warm, soft lips felt as they molded her own and how wonderful it felt to be held in his strong, loving embrace. The stabbing pain Amy felt in her heart was unbearable. The more time passed without having Sonic there with her the more she felt she was slowly dying on the inside, slowly dying from a broken heart.

She wiped away the tears from her wet face hurriedly as she inhaled sharply. She never imagined even in her worst nightmares that the world and their lives would become this way. She found herself sitting up in bed wanting to get away from this dreary place. She needed a breath of fresh air, some time to herself to think. She quietly got up from the bed and made her way out of the room that she had been sleeping in which she now knew was a small storage room. She tip toed through the main living quarters as all of her friends huddled in their cots in a deep slumber. She made her way to the ladder and slowly ascended and grasped the latch on the door. Amy opened the door very quietly, afraid of waking anyone, and slowly climbed herself out. The moment she stepped foot outside she gasped in horror as her jade eyes took in her surroundings. Nothing but dead trees and withered grass remained and she could see the large crater in the distance where Station Square once stood. An eerie gray fog filled the desolate area and ash continued to fall like snow covering up most of the ground beneath her feet. Amy almost lost her nerve suddenly wanting to go back inside the shelter. She closed her eyes and took in a shaky breath before slowly walking down the hill. The air was still and cold and the unnatural silence frightened her. Not a single voice, animal, or insect could be heard.

Despite the dead, unrecognizable earth around her, Amy knew exactly where she was and where her feet were being drawn to. Within minutes she made her way to what was once a vast meadow filled with beautiful blooming flowers of all kinds and a large old willow tree that once stood tall. Tears leaked from her eyes as she stared at the dead, ash covered wasteland that took its place. The once beautiful tree stood dead with its withered, lifeless branches void of any leaves or budding flowers. This place once held a lot of meaning and importance to her and she felt very special memories close to her heart shatter before her very eyes. The reality of her memories was forcefully being turned into the realm of mere dreams.

Amy ran away laughing amongst the tall grass and wild flowers. The scent of the warm summer breeze filled her nose along with the blooming flowers all around her. Chuckling filled her sensitive ears from behind her. "Do you really think you can outrun me, Ames?" Sonic asked playfully as he made his way towards her retreating figure.

Before she could give him a response he quickly wrapped his arms around her petite form and pulled her close to him. The two erupted into laughter before losing their balance and rolling down the small hill. They came to a complete stop under the shade of an old willow tree and Sonic found himself lying breathless on top of a giggling Amy Rose. He smiled down at her feeling himself getting lost in her deep pools of jade unaware of how close his face was getting to her own. Amy's laughter had quieted down as she too felt herself getting lost in his gleaming emerald orbs. Sonic leaned in, his eyes slowly closing, unable to ignore the burning desire to feel her soft, sweet lips upon his own. He hesitated shyly, brushing his lips against hers, before truly capturing them in an affectionate kiss.

A few loose tears escaped Amy's eyes as her fingers gingerly touched her lips. She and Sonic shared their first kiss here. She had been fourteen at the time and the two of them had been dating for almost a year already. The memory almost didn't feel real anymore as her jade eyes continued to stare at the dead willow tree that reflected the emptiness she now felt inside her own heart. It was as though Sonic's mere existence was beginning to become erased. As fear and despair plagued her heart, Amy began running away from the place she and Sonic had once cherished so dearly. Tears obscured her vision as she continued to run blindly down the dirt road path that had once led to her home. She didn't want Sonic to disappear. She loved him so much. A mortified gasp escaped her lips as she looked at the leveled down home she once occupied. Her home was gone and all that remained was pieces of plywood, concrete rubble, and shingles from her roof. She could faintly distinguish some of her furniture and belongings amongst the destruction. Amy began to sob inconsolably as she quickly ran, climbing on top of wood and concrete, and began digging through the ruins of her home.

"No!" she cried as she desperately dug through rubble to find what she was looking for.

"Please be here!" she sobbed. She began tearing apart the ruins of her home. Throwing broken pieces she pulled up from beneath behind her and digging feverishly to find the object of her desire. Tears fell from her wet face and fell onto the broken pieces of wood that still held the yellow paint on them. She began to dig where she could make out her bed knowing it had to be somewhere near. After lifting up a few floorboards, what she had been searching desperately for suddenly came into view and she quickly picked it up and hugged it to her chest. It was a little ripped and tattered and the frame and glass lay broken amongst the rubble in front of her. Amy pulled the small photograph away from her and kissed it. She could still make out Sonic's image in the darkness. A few loose tears slipped away from her eyes and fell onto the worn photograph of her beloved.

A sudden pair of strong arms grabbed her and began pulling her away from the rubble. Amy let out a frightened scream and started to fight and struggle against her unknown attacker. "What the Hell's the matter with you!" a familiar deep voice yelled.

Amy continued to struggle in Shadow's firm hold as her tears soaked her soft face. "Let go of me!" she cried helplessly as he continued to pull her away, back in the direction of the shelter.

He merely ignored her and her feeble attempts to get out of his grasp. "What do you think you're doing?" he asked her angrily. "Don't you realize how dangerous it is to be out here?"

Amy's struggles began to weaken as she broke down into hysterics. "I don't want to forget him!" she cried, taking him off guard. He stopped walking and his crimson orbs fell onto the hysterical pink hedgehog in his arms and then onto the photograph she held tightly in her hands.

"Rose…" he uttered in a softer voice. Amy turned around in his hold and hugged him tightly desperate for some warmth and comfort. She sobbed into his chest as he stood there feeling speechless and a bit awkward. He was never the sentimental type and wasn't used to being put in this type of situation nor was he used to being hugged. He could feel her hot tears soaking his chest fur as he stared at her unsure of what to say.

"Bring him back!" she suddenly cried. "Bring him back to me Shadow!" she sobbed, breaking completely down.

"Rose…you know I cannot do that…It's not possible…" he said in a low voice.

"Then please! Make the pain stop! I can't take it!" she whimpered.

Shadow sighed as Amy continued to hide her face in his chest. Familiar feelings of loss began to stir up inside of him, weakening him. He went through the same pain she was going through now. And just like her, he also had to witness the person he cared about dying right in front of him, for his sake. The only difference is he released his pain with anger and was originally blinded by a lust for revenge whereas Amy was just completely broken. The closest he saw her acting more like her old bubbly self was back when they were eating at the diner and now, with everything that's happened, he knew it was going to be a very long time before she truly recovered. Even with time the pain is never truly gone or erased. There are times where he sat alone and remembered Maria and all of the hardships and heartaches that has transpired throughout his life. Not a single day goes by where he didn't miss her.

"I-I wish it was me instead of him! Why did he have to save me? Everything happening right now is my entire fault!" she whimpered dismally into his chest.

Shadow looked down at her incredulously. "How can you possibly say that?" he asked her in a hard voice.

Amy flinched slightly from his tone. "Sonic did everything he could to ensure your safety and this is how you repay him? By wallowing in your own self-pity and blaming yourself? He wouldn't want to see you like this Rose, especially in your current state," he scolded her, like a parent reprimanding their child.

Amy suddenly looked up at Shadow with wide, teary eyes. What did he mean by that last part? Did he know she was pregnant with Sonic's child? As if reading her very thoughts Shadow suddenly said, "I know."

"H-How?" Amy stuttered feeling a little embarrassed. She averted her eyes and stared at the ground blankly. She didn't want anyone to know her secret. Only Rouge and Vanilla were supposed to know about this. She couldn't help feeling like she was somehow betraying Sonic's trust by letting everyone find out about their relationship.

"I unintentionally overheard your conversation with Rouge at the diner," he told her plainly.

Amy frowned as her gaze remained on the ground. "Oh…" she whispered.

"Please don't say anything…" she begged him.

"It's not my place or business to tell the others but you're going to have to when the time comes," he said.

Amy nodded sadly. "I know that…just…for right now…"

She gasped in surprise when he suddenly scooped her up into his arms bridal style. "W-What are you doing?" she asked with wide eyes.

"We need to get back now. The doctor's machines are over running the area and it's not safe." he told her.

Amy merely nodded still feeling too embarrassed to look him in the face. "Are you alright now?" he asked her as he looked at her intently.

"I'm okay…" Amy responded weakly.

Exhaustion began creeping its way up on her after she had her temporary breakdown. Without a word Shadow began running back towards the shelter that now served as their home. The entire time Amy couldn't help but feel sadness grip at her heart. As Shadow carried her it reminded her of when Sonic used to. She used to love it when he ran with her in his arms. She would snuggle up against his chest and he would look down at her and give her his trademark smile she loved so much. She used to love the feeling of the wind against her face and being able to share something that Sonic loved doing. Shadow's similar gesture was just another reminder of what she had lost. More cherished memories that were reduced to that of a dream.

Three months had passed and nothing has really changed. Time moved painfully slow as the remnants of the Sonic Team spent their days in hiding within the shelter. Shadow, Rouge, and even Knuckles spent the majority of their time sneaking away to work with G.U.N to find a way to stop Eggman leaving Tails, Amy, Cream, and Vanilla alone in the shelter. Amy's deep depression only seemed to have worsened over time. The only things that kept her going were the single photograph she had of her and Sonic and her unborn child growing steadily inside of her womb. She knew the time to let the rest of her friends know about her secret was drawing near. Her stomach was beginning to show now and her odd behavior of cravings, increased appetite, and constant fatigue were making them all suspicious. Luckily for her, her nausea began to simmer down after the first two months.

Amy sat on her cot rubbing her hard belly in wonder. Even though she was still very much afraid a small hint of excitement and happiness filled her heart. She always wanted to have a baby of her very own and now that she finally was she couldn't help but feel a little excited. She found herself wondering if the baby would be a boy or a girl and what it will look like. Was it going to resemble her or look more like Sonic? It didn't matter to Amy what gender the baby was going to be. She knew she would love her child regardless. Amy glanced around the small room looking at the few baby items she was given. Ever since that night at her demolished house Shadow has gone out of his way to make sure she was taken care of. He along with Rouge managed to get themselves some baby supplies from relief aids such as diapers, bottles, clothes, and blankets. They waited until the others were asleep before sneaking the items into the storage room that has become Amy's bedroom. Every night when the others went to sleep Vanilla began helping Amy prepare for the baby. Amy's confidence in her abilities as a mother grew with each lesson Vanilla gave her but even with all the lessons and help Amy was still feeling a little frightened.

"Amy, can I come in?" Rouge suddenly asked as she slowly opened the door on a crack.

"Of course," Amy replied as she tore her attention away from her growing belly.

Rouge entered the room wearing a soft smile and sat down on the cot beside her. "How are you feeling?" she asked, gesturing to her enlarged stomach.

A light blush spread across Amy's cheeks. "I'm okay…just a little tired."

"Do you need anything?" Rouge asked.

Amy silently shook her head and looked down at her clasped hands in her lap. Rouge quickly noticed the sad expression on Amy's soft features. "Amy, what's wrong?" she asked with a bit of worry.

Amy sighed uneasily and looked up at Rouge. "I…I'm thinking of telling the others about the baby…" she told her.

"That's actually what I wanted to talk to you about," Rouge admitted.

Amy looked at her in perplexity. "What do you mean?" she asked.

"It's getting harder to keep this a secret. Tails and Cream are really worried about you and Knuckles has become very suspicious. Of course, he'll never figure out just what it is that's going on with you. He's a clueless knucklehead." she laughed lightly as she said the last part. Amy couldn't help but faintly smile too.

"I'm nervous," Amy said as her smile faltered.

"We're your friends Amy…You have nothing to be worried about. We're going to stay by your side and support you. Me, Shadow, and Vanilla already have been so what makes you think that the others won't as well?"

"You're right," Amy said softly. "I just feel like I'm breaking my promise…" she said in a low, sad voice.

Rouge looked at her in confusion. "What promise?" she asked.

Another sigh escaped Amy's lips. "Sonic and I made a promise…back when I was thirteen. He wanted to keep our relationship a secret. He felt it would have been better that way…safer…"

A single tear suddenly escaped Amy's eye and rolled down her cheek. "I feel like I'm betraying him…"

Rouge's eyes grew wide in mild surprise. She was shocked by this revelation and the puzzle pieces in her mind from all of her questions over the past three months were slowly coming together. She pulled the depressed pink hedgehog into a light embrace.

"You're not betraying him Amy…I'm sure if Sonic were here he would understand. Besides, even if you two wanted to keep this a secret…we would have found out sooner or later. It's not exactly easy to keep a baby of all things a secret ya know."

Amy nodded in understanding. She had a point. Still, Amy's mind was plagued with the fact that she will never know how Sonic would have felt about all of this or how he would have reacted.

"Everyone's together in the other room right now so what do you say? Are you ready to tell everyone the truth?" Rouge asked supportively.

Amy nodded weakly feeling the butterflies beginning to dance in her stomach. "Y-Yes," she stuttered nervously.

"It's going to be alright Amy," Rouge reassured her as she helped her up from the small cot.

She gently placed her hands on Amy's shoulders and began leading her out of the storage room, through the short hallway, and into the main living quarters where everyone was congregating. They were in the midst of eating their small share of rations for dinner before looking up at Amy and Rouge entering the room.

"Look who I got to join us," Rouge said lightheartedly as she leisurely took a seat beside Knuckles.

Amy waved to everyone somewhat shyly as she quietly took a seat beside Cream. Cream's mood immediately lightened at the sight of her best friend. "Are you feeling better now Amy?" she asked her.

Amy nodded. "Yeah, much better," she replied with a small smile.

"Are you hungry dear?" Vanilla asked. "I can get you something to eat," she offered.

"That's okay Vanilla, I'm fine, really!" Amy reassured her, feeling a little awkward.

"Actually, Amy wanted to tell us something important about why she's been feeling so sick lately," Rouge announced.

Amy's eyes widened nervously as she glanced over at Rouge. She was quickly losing her nerve and suddenly didn't feel ready to break the news to everyone yet. Apparently, Rouge was going to make sure Amy didn't back out on this. Her statement quickly grabbed everyone's attention as they all began staring at Amy expectantly. Amy could feel the palms of her hands getting clammy and she felt the butterflies in her stomach suddenly gaining strength. Shadow looked over at Rouge suspiciously, before turning his attention back onto the worried pink hedgehog across from him. Vanilla gave Amy a supportive smile, encouraging her to go on.

Amy let out a shaky breath as she tried to find her words. "W-Well…U-Um…" she stuttered nervously. She twiddled her fingers anxiously as she desperately tried to find the courage to tell her friends the truth.

Cream's mood quickly changed from a more joyous one to a worried one. "Is everything going to be okay…?" she asked in concern.

"You aren't feeling worse now are you?" Tails asked her in worry.

Amy immediately dismissed their fears shaking her head. "No, No! I'm fine! Honest!" she reassured them.

"Then what's wrong with you?" Knuckles asked feeling a little frustrated. "You've been cooped up in that storage room for months!" he exclaimed.

"Shut up Knuckie and let her talk!" Rouge yelled, elbowing him. He glared at her in annoyance.

"T-This is not easy to say…" Amy said in a soft, worried voice.

"Just say it Rose," Shadow told her bluntly. He was honestly sick and tired of all the secrecy and it was about time she came clean with the truth to the others.

"I-I…" she paused nervously. "I don't think I'm ready for this!" she said suddenly, getting up from her seat.

The others watched her in utter confusion while Rouge looked at her in frustration and Vanilla continued to wear an encouraging smile. The moment Amy's jade eyes met Shadow's crimson ones she froze in place. If glares could kill, she would have died right then and there. Without saying a word she slowly sat back down. It was obvious Shadow was through with this charade and wasn't going to allow her to leave until she told everyone her big secret.

Amy sighed and looked down at her hands apprehensively. "Alright…" she said, almost inaudibly.

She took in a deep breath and closed her eyes. "I-I'm…going…to h-have a baby…" she whispered nervously. A visible blush filled her cheeks as she continued to hang her head low in embarrassment. The room fell silent as her words registered into everyone's thoughts.

"…What?" Knuckles asked dimly.

"She said she's having a baby!" Rouge exclaimed in slight exasperation.

"I know what she said!" he shouted.

Amy felt her cheeks burning at this point and couldn't look up and face anyone.

"It's alright Amy," Vanilla told her comfortingly.

"…Is this true?" Cream asked innocently.

Amy felt tears beginning to brim her eyes and nodded slowly. Cream suddenly pulled her best friend and big sister into a tight embrace. "Don't be sad Amy! Mother and I will help you!" she told her honestly. Amy felt slightly relieved by Cream's reaction and returned the hug.

Tails just stared at Amy wide eyed in disbelief. "But…But how…?" he asked feeling shocked.

"That's something you'll find out when you're older," Rouge commented, causing Amy to blush in further embarrassment.

"Did Mr. Sonic know…?" Cream asked knowingly.

Amy shook her head sadly. "No, Cream…He didn't…" she said softly.

"Wait a minute…Sonic's the…" Knuckles began before getting cut off.

"Yes, Knuckie! Who else would Amy have a baby with?" Rouge exclaimed, pointing out the obvious. It was a known fact amongst all of them that she was madly in love with Sonic and Sonic only.

Knuckles only stared at Rouge in confusion. As far as he knew, Sonic had absolutely no interest in Amy, let alone settling down and having a family with her. He knew Sonic valued his freedom almost selfishly and had all to do to stay in one place for very long. There had been times where he himself had envied him and wished he had the same amount of freedom. He was bound to the Master Emerald and his duty to guard and protect it. He didn't have the luxury to go on random adventures and explore new places whenever he liked like Sonic did.

"How come Sonic never said anything to me…?" Tails asked sadly.

He couldn't help but feel a little betrayed by his big brother. He and Sonic were always able to share everything together. He always assumed that they had no secrets hidden from one another but apparently he was wrong. Cream couldn't help but feel a similar feeling about her and Amy. They were like sisters and Amy used to always talk about Sonic to her nonstop. She always thought that the moment Amy and Sonic got together she would be the first person Amy would tell.

"Why didn't you guys tell anyone?" Cream asked, feeling hurt.

Amy looked at Cream then at Tails who was also expecting some kind of explanation. "…Sonic wanted to keep our relationship a secret," she explained shyly. "He thought it would be better that way…We were going to tell you guys eventually…when the time was right."

Back when she was only twelve years old and love struck, Amy didn't hesitate to announce any possible developments between her and Sonic. She used to tell every little thing to Cream and wasn't shy about being his self-proclaimed girlfriend and announcing it to the world. But everything changed when he finally did tell her how he truly felt and the two of them began their relationship together. It became very personal to the both of them. They both agreed it would be best to keep their romance to themselves until the time was right to tell everyone. With Eggman descending into madness, Sonic had become very paranoid about her safety and didn't want to risk it. At the time, the two of them were still very young and Sonic emotionally wasn't ready to go open about their relationship yet and Amy respected his wishes. She matured quickly after starting her relationship with him and the childish antics she once was renowned for quickly grew into an old memory that she and Sonic used to joke about to each other as they grew older.

Tails found himself thinking back to the last time he was with Sonic. He could still remember the odd behavior Sonic was exhibiting and at the time he didn't understand why. He had never seen Sonic looking so angry and distressed before and now he fully understood why.

"How long have you two been together?" Tails asked curiously.

This grabbed everyone's attention except for Rouge, who already knew the answer to Tails' question. Amy blushed in embarrassment and looked down at her hands in her lap. "Since I was thirteen…" she admitted in a soft voice.

Everyone just gawked at her in surprise and shock. Sonic and Amy were together for that long? Nobody could believe it. Whenever they saw the two of them together they never noticed a difference in the way they acted. They never would have suspected that anything was going on between them.

Amy awoke from her deep slumber suddenly feeling discomfort in her lower abdomen. When the pain subsided she closed her jade colored eyes and took in a shaky breath. She was nine months along now and was used to feeling the baby kicking her but this feeling was different and far more intense. She tried to ignore it and go back to sleep but when another sharp pain surged through her she started to cry out in great pain. Panic began to flow through her now and she immediately knew something was wrong. Amy suddenly felt a wet sensation between her legs and she nervously pulled down her blanket in confusion. Her bed was soaked beneath her and her eyes widened in realization. Her water just broke. She was going into labor. Another contraction hit her and Amy found herself crying out for Vanilla in pain and distress. For nine months Amy had been mentally preparing herself for this very moment but now that it was finally here she didn't feel ready at all. In fact she felt utterly terrified. The pain from the contractions was already overwhelming and it was only just the beginning.

Her cries of agony had alerted her friends who came rushing into her small makeshift room in a panic. Vanilla ran to Amy's side immediately knowing what was wrong.

"The baby's coming," Amy whimpered with teary eyes, clutching her stomach in great pain.

"Don't worry Amy, everything's going to be alright," Vanilla tried to reassure the pain stricken hedgehog.

She turned her attention back onto their group of friends who were looking at Amy with wide, nervous eyes. "I need everyone to bring me a large pot filled with warm water, a cloth, and some towels please," she told them calmly.

Everyone nodded and quickly rushed out of the room to find what Vanilla had asked for. Shadow and Cream remained in the doorway watching as Vanilla began coaching Amy and telling her what she needed to do.

"Is Amy going to be okay?" Cream asked her mother in worry.

Vanilla turned around and smiled at her daughter, nodding. "Amy's going to be just fine," she told her.

Cream sighed in relief as Knuckles ran back into the room with a pot of warm water. He placed it down on the floor by Amy's cot and looked up at the pink hedgehog in worry. Tails and Rouge returned shortly after carrying a handful of towels and a small cloth. Amy's pain filled cries began to grow louder as another contraction hit her and she gripped the sides of the bed as hard as she could. Tears were now rolling down her soft cheeks as she tried to remember the breathing techniques that Vanilla was telling her to do. Amy knew giving birth was going to hurt but she never imagined it was going to hurt this much. She desperately wished Sonic was there with her at that moment. She wanted him to be standing by her bedside holding her hand and kissing her forehead giving her words of encouragement. Amy was so overwhelmed by her pain that she hardly heard Vanilla politely asking her friends to wait in the other room.

Shortly after, Vanilla had helped Amy remove her pajamas. She was now lying sweaty and bare beneath her thin sheets and had been in labor for almost an hour. She felt like she couldn't go on any longer. The pain was unbearable.

"Amy, I need you to push," Vanilla instructed her as she kept her attention underneath Amy's blanket.

Fresh tears escaped Amy's eyes as she shook her head weakly. "…I…I can't…" she whimpered.

The pain was too much for Amy to even think clearly anymore. All she wanted was for the pain to stop. Her body trembled and her vision was obscured by her tears. She was terrified. She couldn't do this. She needed Sonic to be there with her. She couldn't possibly do this without him.

"Come on Amy," Vanilla said encouragingly. "You can do this. You have to push now," she told her.

Amy took in a shaky breath of air, squeezed her eyes tight, and pushed. She began sobbing as the pain seemed to only worsen from her actions.

"That's it! You're doing great!" Vanilla told her. "Now push again," she instructed.

Amy let out a breath of air and inhaled again in between her sobs. She gave another push before crying out and falling back against her pillow. She was feeling so weak and tired now and wasn't sure how much more of this she could possibly take.

"Sonic…" she cried helplessly.

Her entire body was aching and her fatigue seemed to be growing by the second. If she endured this for much longer she would surely pass out. She reopened her eyes slowly and found herself looking into a strange, bright blue light that was hovering high above her. The light illuminated the room but it didn't hurt to look straight into it. Instead the light seemed to give off a comforting and calming feeling. Amy could feel herself relax slightly and regain a bit of her strength. When she blinked the strange, mysterious light had disappeared and Amy wondered whether or not she really saw it at all. With renewed confidence and strength, she sat up slightly trying to ignore her pain and prepared herself to push again.

"The baby's crowning," Vanilla announced. "You're almost done! Now push!"

Amy inhaled sharply as she pushed again, putting as much of her energy and strength into it as she possibly could.

"Amy! I can see the head!" Vanilla exclaimed. "Just one more push!"

Amy was ready to get this little hedgehog out of her. She couldn't handle the pain anymore. She took in a deep breath of air before giving one final push. She cried out in pain before collapsing back onto the bed in a heap of exhaustion. The pain she was feeling was immediately gone and replaced with a feeling of achiness and fatigue. She closed her eyes and took in deep breaths relieved that the painful ordeal was finally over. The sound of a baby crying suddenly filled her sensitive ears and she sat up weakly to see that Vanilla had finished cleaning the after birth from the baby and was now wrapping it snugly in a blue blanket. Amy suddenly felt nervous. Inside that blue bundle was her and Sonic's newborn baby. She was a mother now. She felt her heart leap in her chest as she was overcome with a mixture of emotions.

Vanilla looked up at the nervous pink hedgehog and smiled. "It's a little baby boy," she told her happily.

Amy's eyes grew wide as Vanilla's words sunk in. She had a baby boy. She felt joyful tears brim her jade colored eyes as Vanilla approached her. "Do you want to hold him?" she asked.

Amy nodded and smiled as she wiped at her eyes hurriedly. Vanilla gently placed the small bundle in her arms and smiled fondly.

"I'm so proud of you Amy," she said softly as she wiped a few tears from her eyes. "He's beautiful."

Amy looked down at the small bundle in her arms and felt her heart skip a beat. The moment her jade colored eyes met his own she instantly fell in love. She gingerly pulled the blue blanket away from him so she could have a better look. The little hedgehog was still crying in her arms, flailing his little arms around as he whimpered.

"Shh…Don't cry," Amy cooed softly as she began inspecting her newborn son.

Tears spilled from her eyes against her will as she looked at him. Her eyes fell on his cobalt colored fur and his peach muzzle, arms, and stomach. The little hedgehog looked exactly like Sonic. Amy felt her lower lip quiver as she tried to suppress her onslaught of tears.

"Oh, Sonic…" she whispered sadly.

She couldn't help but feel both pained and joyed at her son's appearance. She gently held his little hands and inspected them followed by his feet. Then she inspected his little tail and small quills. She smiled and kissed the top of his head. He was perfect and she loved him. Amy wrapped the blue blanket back around him to keep him warm and held him close. His cries began to quiet down to soft whimpers. She looked down at her son lost in deep thought.

"What should I name you?" she asked the little boy in her arms.

Amy sat and thought for a moment. She looked down at him again, taking in his appearance and noticing he was kicking his little legs about through his blue blanket. She couldn't help but smile. He was already reminding her of Sonic and he wasn't even a day old yet. She then quickly recalled how much he had kicked her during her pregnancy. This little hedgehog was full of energy and she found herself wondering whether or not he had inherited his father's speed. She could already imagine how it'll be when he starts learning how to walk. And she knew once he learned how to run he would dash off running away from her and she would have to chase after him and catch him. She found herself smiling sadly as the thought reminded her of her and Sonic's earlier days. Then her eyes lit up as she thought of the perfect name.

"Dash…" she said softly, looking back down at her son.

He yawned sleepily and began to close his jade colored eyes. Amy felt her heart melt at the sight. She looked back up and noticed all of her friends standing beside Vanilla by the storage room door. They were all looking at her and the bundle in her arms with soft expressions and smiles. Amy smiled back at them and motioned for them to come closer. Cream was the first one to approach, unable to contain her excitement and curiosity any longer. She looked down at the small bundle in Amy's arms and the moment her eyes fell on the little hedgehog her eyes gleamed and a large smile formed on her face.

"Oh, Amy!" she exclaimed giddily. "He's so cute and tiny!"

Amy's smile widened as fresh tears began to brim her eyes. She gently pulled the blanket down away from Dash's face so everyone could get a better look. He whimpered slightly as he felt the cool air brush against his skin and fur. Everyone gathered around Amy's cot eagerly and the moment their eyes fell on the baby hedgehog in her arms their eyes widened in awe.

"He looks just like Sonic…" Rouge breathed in astonishment.

If there was any doubt before that Amy was baring Sonic's child it was surely gone now. The small baby in her arms looked exactly like him. He could easily pass as his identical twin. A sad smile formed on Amy's muzzle as a loose tear slipped away from her eye.

"He does…doesn't he?" she said softly as she began caressing her son's cheek. "I love him so much already."

Knuckles stared at the miniature hedgehog that looked so much like his old friend. It was almost scary, as though he were looking at a ghost. Tails swallowed thickly as he watched the little hedgehog stirring from his light slumber. It hurt somewhat to look at him. He resembled his big brother so much that if it had not been for the fact that he inherited Amy's eyes he would have thought it was a younger version of Sonic himself. Shadow stood slightly behind the group watching the heartwarming scene taking place. He too was a little surprised by the baby's uncanny appearance to his old rival. His crimson orbs fell back onto Amy and a sense of pride filled his heart. He was proud of her. They have all gone through so much over the past couple of months with Amy suffering the most and yet she managed to keep her head held high and remained strong all for her newborn baby's sake. As he watched her, he no longer viewed her as the little girl he once had. She was now a mature woman.

"What's his name?" Cream suddenly asked curiously.

"Dash…" Amy said softly with a smile. "His name is Dash."

"…Can I hold him?" Tails asked timidly.

Amy looked hesitant at first before giving him a small smile and nodded. "Just be really careful with him Tails," she told him, gently exchanging her son into Tails' arms.

"Make sure you support his head," Vanilla instructed as she helped him hold the baby securely.

Tails looked down at the little cobalt hedgehog in his arms in awe. He was so fragile, so helpless, and light. Dash wriggled in his hold at first, whimpering from the sudden movement before calming down once more in a tranquil, sleepy state. A sad smile tugged at Tails' lips and tears filled his cerulean eyes against his will. Everything felt so surreal to him at that moment. As he stared down at the newborn baby in his arms he couldn't help but feel like the roles had somehow been reversed. He felt like he was the big brother now. He was now the one who will help teach and guide and be a mentor and an idol for Dash. With the way the world is going now, this little boy will need all the guidance he could possibly get. Tails smiled, feeling warmth fill his heart. He will do everything he possibly could to do what Sonic had done for him. He will be the best big brother and friend Dash could ever ask for.

After a while everyone decided to give Amy and Dash some time to be alone. Amy's eyes were growing heavy as her exhaustion began to take a hold on her. She smiled sleepily as she held her son close. He began to whimper and wiggle in her arms, opening and closing his little hands. Amy looked down and watched him as he moved his head against her chest, searching for something. She immediately knew what he wanted and a faint blush formed on her cheeks. She gently shifted her hold on him, lifting him up higher against her chest and helped him find her left nipple. Amy watched her son adoringly as he began to suckle, nursing for the first time. She gently rubbed the back of his head, petting his soft cobalt quills and smiled softly. She never imagined she could ever love someone as much as she loved Sonic but the moment she laid her eyes on her newborn son he had stolen her heart. For the first time in months since before Sonic left her life she actually felt happy. She just wished Sonic was there with her to share this wonderful moment. She wanted to know how he would have reacted to everything, to her getting pregnant and having a son who resembled him so much. Amy couldn't help but think he would be feeling really happy if he were there with her. He would probably even joke about Dash liking chilidogs like him when he got older. A soft giggle escaped Amy's lips at the thought. She smiled happily as she noticed Dash's suckles growing soft as he began to get full and sleepy. He was just so precious. She loved him so much.

"I love you Dash," she whispered softly as she made sure he was wrapped securely in his blanket.

She laid back against her pillow and began to relax with the now dozing baby hedgehog held tightly in her arms. She kissed the top of his head and nuzzled her cheek against his own.

"I promise I'll always keep you safe," she told him sleepily. "I won't let anyone ever hurt you…"

Amy slowly closed her eyes, unable to fight the urge to sleep any longer. She promised and vowed to always protect her son and she intended to keep her promise.

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