Rated: Fiction T (Teen) (PG-13) - English - Romance/Drama - Sonic & Amy


After Sonic tells Amy he does not love her, they soon begin to drift apart before losing contact completely. Several years later Sonic rescues a mysterious old man who claims Sonic is missing something important in his life. The next morning Sonic finds himself in an alternate reality where Amy is his wife and he quickly becomes torn between which life he wants to live.

Chapter One – A Shattered Dream

It was a cold winter's night as snowflakes slowly fell from the sky, illuminated by the bright moon and the twinkling stars. The light from the moon made the snow shine through the darkness with a bluish hue and the landscape of the Mystic Ruins was covered with thick sheets of snow turning it into a beautiful winter wonderland. Lights could be seen and soft music could be heard coming from a small home atop a hill that overlooked the sea. Inside Tails' workshop, Christmas carols could be heard playing from the stereo amongst light laughter and conversation from the Sonic Team who were happily celebrating inside. Every Christmas Eve the entire gang would get together and celebrate the holidays as one great big family. However, there were two hedgehogs that were currently missing the joyous events taking place inside and instead were standing outside shivering in an awkward silence.

Amy Rose shifted her weight uncomfortably as she rubbed her mitted hands together for warmth. She had asked Sonic to accompany her outside for a moment so she could speak to him alone but found herself quickly beginning to lose her resolve. She was unable to look him in the eyes and averted her gaze elsewhere feeling her heart rapidly beating against her chest. She was afraid to start their conversation. Terrified of what his answer would be to her question.

"So, what did you want to talk about Amy?" Sonic asked her feeling puzzled. He started to rub his bare arms in an attempt to keep himself warm.

Amy looked up at him and hesitated. "…There's something I want to ask you…but before I do, I just want to say something." She told him with a soft voice.

He nodded in understanding. "Alright."

Amy let out a sigh. "Sonic, ever since we first met back on Little Planet as kids I started to have feelings for you. In the beginning it was just a simple, harmless crush but as I grew older my feelings for you only grew stronger. I know now that what I feel for you is more than just a crush and I can't just make this feeling go away…" She paused for a moment to look into his emerald eyes. By now Sonic was more than uncomfortable with this conversation and where it was headed. He nervously rubbed the back of his head while scuffing his red shoes into the white snow.

"I…I know you always thought of me as a nuisance…and sometimes I used to wonder if we were even friends at all…" She said sadly, looking down at the ground.

Sonic looked at her in surprise. "Of course you're my friend. You know that I care about you just as much as all our other friends."

"Perhaps now…but not when we were younger." She stated. "You used to run away at the very sight of me and the only times we spent any real time together was when I was either in trouble or chasing after you."

Sonic couldn't help but feel a little bad. Before he could apologize to her she continued. "I know things are different between us now though." She said with a small smile.

Her smile began to falter. "Ever since I was eight years old I've been dreaming of the day you would tell me you love me. Sonic…I need to know how you feel. I can't keep chasing you anymore. I want to know…if there will ever be a chance between us or if I should give up on you…" Tears began to brim her jade eyes against her will. "Please…Please tell me you love me!" She cried.

Sonic stood before her feeling cornered, uncomfortable, and awkward. If there was ever a time where he really wanted to run away this was definitely the time. He hated to see her cry and he certainly hated hurting her feelings. But he realized that he had been leading her on for years and she had the right to know how he truly felt.

He sighed, knowing that what he was about to say was going to shatter all her hopes and dreams. "Amy…" He began in a soft tone. "You're a great friend and all…but…I just don't feel that way…" As he said this he could see more tears threatening her eyes and all of her hopes deflating like a popped balloon. "I don't want to be tied down in a relationship…I want to be free. My freedom means everything to me." He explained.

Amy merely nodded as she fought her hardest to keep herself composed. She felt the dam beginning to break as she felt her heart breaking and soon enough she began sobbing. She hid her face in her hands and continued to cry while Sonic stood in front of her unsure how to console her. "Amy, please don't cry…" He said in a soft voice. He reached his hand out to her but she quickly backed away from him.

"…I'm such a fool…" She whispered. "I think deep down…I-I always knew this was how you felt…I just never wanted to believe it…" She wiped her eyes furiously as she continued to slowly distance herself from him. "I think I should go…T-Thank Tails for the lovely party…" She cried as she turned around and began running in the direction towards the train station.

"Amy! Wait!" Sonic called after her but she had already disappeared into the snowy darkness. His own eyes moistened against his will as he looked down at the ground. He didn't feel he should chase after her. It was his fault she was so upset. He felt horrible. He never wanted to hurt her but what about his own feelings? Didn't they mean anything at all? He cared about her a lot as a friend…but that was all. He couldn't help that. He didn't want to be chained down into a relationship. The very thought of losing his freedom terrified him. If they were together, Amy would never allow him to be himself or do the things he loved. She wouldn't understand how he felt or respect his feelings. But as he stood there in the snow staring off into the direction she had disappeared in he couldn't help but wonder if he had made the right decision. He felt a pang in his chest and he could only hope they could still remain good friends after tonight.

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